CASL Compliance: Requirements for CEMs

Unsubscribe Mechanisms

Requirements For Unsubscribe Mechanisms

All CEMs have to give subscribers the opportunity to unsubscribe from future CEMs, without cost to them. Your unsubscribe mechanism must be easy to access and use. An unsubscribe mechanism must be valid for at least 60 days after you send the CEM. If you receive a request to unsubscribe, you must comply within 10 business days.

When you send CEMs by email, you may offer one or both of the following unsubscribe methods:

  • sending an email; and/or
  • clicking on a link that will take the user to a web page where he or she can unsubscribe

When you send CEMs by text message, then you must offer both of the following unsubscribe methods:

  • replying to the text message with the word “STOP”; and
  • clicking on a link that will take the individual to a web page where he or she can unsubscribe

See a suggested unsubscribe notice in the Model Language (PDF).

Keep Track of Unsubscribe Requests

It is essential to track which electronic addresses have submitted unsubscribe requests to ensure that CEMs are not sent to them against the recipients’ wishes.

Other CASL Prohibitions

In addition to the requirements related to CEMs, CASL also contains the following prohibitions:

Installing unwanted computer programs: In order to prevent the installation of viruses, spyware, and other unwanted programs, CASL prohibits the installation of any program without the consent of the computer owner.

Altering transmission data: CASL prohibits the alteration of transmission data in an electronic message so that the message is delivered to a destination other than that specified by the sender.

Providing false or misleading information: CASL prohibits false or misleading information in CEMs, including:

  • any representation in the body of the message that is false or misleading in a material respect;
  • any false or misleading representation made in a “locator”, i.e. a name, URL, or other information used to identify the source of data in a computer system; and
  • any false or misleading representation in the “From” or “Subject” line of a message

Harvesting addresses: CASL prohibits the use of programs that “harvest” email addresses to create mailing lists.

Collecting personal information: CASL prohibits the use of computer systems to collect personal information without authority.