Records Management


Records that relate to the operation and administration of the University are managed in accordance with York's Records and Information Management Policy.  All records are created, maintained, and disposed of using the Common Records Schedule (CRS), which organizes records into functional groupings.

For information on organizing and maintaining records using the CRS, see Using the Common Records Schedule.

Retention and Disposition of University Records

The CRS has established retention periods for all records.  Retention defines how long to keep records and Disposition tells you what to do with them once they have reached the end of their retention period. No matter what disposition is applied to records, all units must complete the applicable form (see below) and retain it permanently.

(Before using fillable PDFs, please see Using Fillable Forms on this Website.)

Important note: University records should never be destroyed or otherwise disposed of without the authority of the Common Records Schedule or other approved schedule.

Records Management Guidelines

The following guidelines will assist you to organize and maintain your unit's electronic and paper records.

For additional records management tools, including an introduction to recordkeeping principles,  managing email, voicemail and electronic files and folders, secure records destruction and more - see the Tip Sheets on our Tools and Tips page.